Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My garage Door Won't Open, Now What?

Professional carport door repair fellowships hear this query frequently. It seems like it almost all the time happens to most citizen as they are about to leave for work, or when they arrive home from a long day. I suppose that being locked out of the carport would be the better of the two previous options. However if you are experiencing this problem, you do have options!

There are any things that you can check for that may be an immediate fix to the problem. First, you can confirm that the carport door opener is receiving power. If it is not, there are two simple things to check for.

3 Door Refrigerator

Many garages have a Gfci plug system, and all the outlets in the carport are on the same circuit. Once you have settled the Gfci plug, try pushing the reset button. If this doesn't work, try checking your circuit breakers. Since many citizen run freezers, refrigerators, tools, and rehearsal tool in the garage, you may have overloaded the breaker.

If neither of these two options corrects the problem, and you have confirmed that the carport door opener is not working, try disengaging the carport door opener from the carport door. This is complete by pulling on the urgency publish rope that is attached to the trolley on the carport door opener rail.

After disengaging the opener, you should be able to open the door freely. If you settle that the opener is not the problem, your options become a limited less appealing.

After ruling out the opener as the problem, you will need to move on to the carport door itself. Take a integrate of minutes and try to settle if there seems to be anything loose or broken on the carport door. Look for rollers out of track, cables off of their pulleys, and broken springs.

If you are able to uncover one of these problems, you must settle if your do it yourself skills will allow you to speedily make the necessary repairs. Before you make any repairs, make sure that you take the necessary time to settle the protection of manufacture the repair yourself.

Cables and springs are under huge amounts of pressure, in order to counterbalance the weight of the door and can cause serious injury if you do not have the permissible tools and expertise required to manipulate them.

If you settle that the repair is beyond your abilities, you should know that there are many aid fellowships that are able to help you with your qoute rather quickly. Most carport repairs can be completed in less than thirty minutes by an experienced repair technician with the permissible tools and parts.

Now is the time to be especially careful. Most areas have a large selection of carport door repair aid fellowships to select from. Some of these will take advantage of your need for immediate service, if you do not take the time to check them out.

My garage Door Won't Open, Now What?

small glass door refrigerators

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Color Sells

Countless hours of explore indicate that color does matter. Consideration how fast food restaurants, schools, and pro sports teams all choose certain colors that "represent" them. You already know that colors can advise a mood or attitude, but did you also know that color accounts for 60 percent of the acceptance or rejection of an object or a person? These impressions don't change overnight. We all have self-operating color triggers and incommunicable associations about assorted colors. Color impacts our thinking, our actions, and our reactions. Armed with this knowledge, we must take into list the relationship of colors in our persuasion and marketing efforts.

3 Door Refrigerator

Color is a great persuasive device. Since we don't comprehend what is happening, we don't make a resistance to persuasive color techniques. This process happens at a thoroughly subconscious level. Color is requisite in marketing, in advertising, and in product packaging. Colors are not just for appearance--they have significance. The beloved food colors are red, yellow, orange, and brown. These colors trigger self-operating responses in our nervous law and stimulate our appetite. Fast food restaurants decorate with shades of red, yellow, and orange. These hues are known as "arousal colors" because they stimulate the appetite and encourage you to eat faster. Compare these captivating colors to the calming colors found in fine restaurants. These restaurants tend to use greens and blues in their make schemes, colors which encourage you to stay and linger.

Colors can also be used to attract our attention. The shades that grab our attentiveness are reds and oranges. The challenge is that each color has many meanings; one man might draw one meaning while someone else man might finish an entirely separate meaning. Red can be captivating to one group and mean "unprofitable" to another. To others it could signal "stop" or "danger." Red can denote boldness, aggressiveness, and extrovertedness, but it also represents anger, danger, sin, and blood. Yellow is known as a fast color and is the first color to register in the brain. Yellow causes you to be alert and watchful. The results of such explore by comparison why new fire trucks and fire hydrants are being painted yellow.

An captivating study on the use of color occurred at the U.S. Naval Correctional center in Seattle, Washington. The entire retention cell was painted pink, except for the floor. Many inmates at this stage of confinement were hostile and violent. The cell was painted pink to see either the color would have a calming ensue on the prisoners. Each man was only held ten to fifteen minutes a day in these pink cells. After 156 days of constant use, there were no incidents of erratic behavior in the inmates.

What about the color of the pills you take? explore has shown that the color of rehabilitation can change the perception or relationship of the pill. When scientists studied the drugs population took and the associations they formed of them based on their colors, they found that most population felt white pills were weak while black ones were strong. In someone else study, researchers gave blue and pink placebos to curative students, who were told the pills were either stimulants or sedatives. The students taking the pink pills felt more power while the students taking the blue pills felt drowsy.

Color even enhances the perceived flavor and desirability of the food we eat. For example, orange juice with enhanced orange hue was preferred over plainly colored orange juice and was opinion to be sweeter. This was also true for strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes. The redder they looked, the more they were preferred.
In one experiment, the flavor of coffee was manipulated by the color of the serving container. Two hundred population were asked to judge coffee served out of four separate containers--red, blue, brown, and yellow. All containers contained the same brand of coffee, yet the coffee in the yellow holder was found to be "too weak." The blue holder coffee was dubbed "too mild." Seventy-five percent of respondents found the coffee in the brown holder to be "too strong" while 85 percent found the red holder coffee to be "rich and full-bodied." A similar experiment was also done with women and facial creams. Subjects were given pink and white face creams, which were same except for their color. One hundred percent of the women surveyed said that the pink cream was more effective and milder on sensitive skin.

In someone else experiment, researchers gave subjects laundry detergent to test for quality. Of course, all of the boxes contained the exact same detergent, but the outsides of the boxes were separate colors. The test colors were yellow, blue, and a compound of both. After a two-week testing period, the test groups reported that the soap in the yellow boxes was "too harsh" and the detergent in the blue boxes was "too weak." The detergent in the compound yellow and blue boxes was "just right." The findings indicated that the yellow represented power while the blue represented antiseptic power.

Common color associations:

Red: strength, power, anger, danger, aggression, excitement

Blue: coolness, truth, loyalty, harmony, devotion, serenity, relaxation

Yellow: brightness, intelligence, hostility, wiseness, cheerfulness, loudness,

Green: peacefulness, tranquility, youthfulness, prosperity, money, endurance, growth, hopefulness

Orange: brightness, unpleasantness, sun, warmth, bravery, invigoration, radiation, communication

Purple: royalty, passion, authority, stateliness, integrity, mysticalness, dignity

White: plainness, purity, coldness, cleanliness, innocence, hygiene

Black: desperation, wickedness, futility, mysteriousness, death, evilness

Gray: neutrality, nothingness, indecision, depression, dullness, technology, impersonality

Application Questions

What colors do you need to use in your presentation, product, or containers that will invoke a desired response?

What color combinations are you using that inhibit your prospect from feeling comfortable.

What explore have you done with our color combinations? Why do you think color matters?

Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way colse to it. either you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be constantly left behind. Get your free reports at Success advantage to make sure that you are not left watching others pass you on the road to success. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Convention it. make an comprehension of its profound value over all aspects of life."


Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically growth your income, improve your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and income you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince man to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to achieve more and achieve their goals? What about your relationships? fantasize being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your prospect is reasoning and feeling, feel more certain in your quality to persuade.

Kurt Mortensen's trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the buyer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are actually 120 available!

Color Sells

small refrigerator with glass door top 10 french door refrigerators bottom freezer fridge

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Einstein Says

Einstein Says Offers The Fast-Track

Practice reading Einstein Says aloud three-times - before taking an interview
or development a Group Presentation.
This rehearsal focuses your mental-rhythm and articulation to a pro level.

3 Door Refrigerator

a) First reading is slow; it is ordinary speech of 125 words per minute.

b) Second reading is about 200 wpm accenting the capitalized phrases.

c) Third reading is at about 250 wpm with an easy bouncing rhythm.

d) When you make your presentation let the words flow spontaneously,

because you are prepared to unmistakably work on your listeners.


1. Ein-Stein supposes his Toeses are Roses,
but Ein-Stein supposes E-Ro-Ne-Ous-Ly!

2. Ein-Stein, he knows his Toeses aint Roses,
as Ein-Stein supposes his Toeses to be.

3. Ein-Stein supposes his Toeses aint Roses,
now - Ein-Stein supposes quite Ac-Cu-Rate-Ly.

4. But Ein-Stein supposes his Toeses are Hoses,
now Ein-Stein supposes In-Ac-Cu-Rate-Ly.

5. A Rose aint a Nose.

A Rose aint a Hose.

A Rose is a Rose.

6. When Ein-Stein supposes his Toeses are Roses -

or Hoses - Ein-Stein supposes E-Ro-Ne-Ous-Ly.



Since the new millennium thousands of executives use Einstein Says to produce their optimal interviews and group presentations.

It works if you work it. Do you want to present yourself at your most persuasive?
How much do folks judge you by your voice? Do you sound friendly, interesting, and make the listener feel he/she is in the presence of a brilliant star?

Our touch with fast-track executives reminds us your pro voice awakens the inner-child within us all. Your kid is attuned to vocal tones; he/she is persuaded and influenced up to 50% by the inflection of the adult voice.

Even now, can you recall the consequent in the pit of your stomach of your father's
voice in anger? How about the smile in your mother's voice when she settled you're A+ test consequent on the refrigerator door? What results does your voice produce?

Is Einstein Says a schema for a new presentation skill? conclude if you need it?
Who is the Boss of you?

We propose discovering the Einstein within you includes reading three books,
articles and reports in the time your competitors can hardly conclude one.
Add the potential to double your long-term memory permanently. Cool.

Ask us how.

copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler

Einstein Says

refrigerator with bottom freezer refrigerator door shelves

Friday, January 20, 2012

Top Ten Things to Do in Spring

It must be serendipity that I am in currently in the janitorial business and that I enjoy cleaning. I use my skills as a sales and marketing director to sell my ritual of welcoming spring.

While some people enjoy lounging, daydreaming or reading when the days are still cool but sunny I enjoy tying up loose ends and beginning with a "clean" slate. So what if others do not share my enthusiastic spring dance in honor of mother-nature! Why do they insist on their own dance and will not applaud my magnificent performance? Here are my beloved things to do in spring:

3 Door Refrigerator

1. Spring clean & de-clutter home & office:

Make a caddy of your basic tools. I use multi-purpose cleaner, microfiber cloths, lamb's wool extension duster, furniture polish, disinfectant spray, trash bag and a laundry basket to put items I am removing from the room. If your ceilings are high you may need a small step ladder. I also have a broom to get behind furniture I can't move and for floor covering edges and corners. A vacuum with attachments is also very handy. Place your tool covering the entry of the room you are cleaning. Give each room a thorough, top to bottom cleaning. This is the excellent time to launder the curtains and bedding. If you are up to the challenge you can also flip furniture cushions, mattresses and rearrange the furniture. The best arrival I have found is to start each room at the entry door and circle the room. Start your high dusting, touching all surfaces on the walls such as photo frames, shelves, etc. If the curtains are not going to be taken down, remove the dust on the tops & fabric folds. Cobwebs can get anywhere, along with the flat walls. Get under and behind the furniture with the duster and/or broom. Dust inside the window frame. Wash the windows. Use a microfiber with just a mist of all-purpose cleaner and dust the surfaces you can reach. The last thing I do is use my disinfectant spray and vacuum.

2. Get rid of clothes not worn:

I bring storehouse packaging or boxes and kitchen trash bags and a black marker. First go through the shelved clothing, second the clothes that are hanging and third clothes that are in drawers. Make a pile on the floor of clothes that should be place in the garbage. Box up the seasonal things you are going to keep. Things you are giving away put into the trash bags. Use the label and put your name and season of clothes on the boxes. Label the bags with the person's name you are giving them to, yard sale or Goodwill. Store away the seasonal boxed clothes, put the give-away clothes in your garage or auto so you will not forget to take them away.

3. Clean yard, porches & garage:

All of these are good for house team work, but this one especially is. The garage needs and occasional de-clutter and cleaning. You will need a broom, abundance of boxes or plastic containers, a black label and maybe some white mailing labels to write on. If you have a large major urgency in there you may want to copy the show "Clean Sweep" and get out three tarps on the drive or yard. Tarp estimate one is for things to keep, tarp estimate two is for giving away or yard sale, tarp three is trash. When you have all things out that you can, you may now dust, sweep and/or pressure wash. Design tools by their use and season. Keep the yard tools together, organery tools and the basic repair tools together, etc. The sports tool and toys are also organized and the off season sports tool and toys should be boxed and put up. Tarp estimate one "things to keep" will be boxed up and labeled and neatly put back into the garage. Tarp estimate two "things to give away or yard sale" should be boxed, bagged or price tagged for yard sale. Label the give-away or yard sale items and neatly put back into the garage. Tarp estimate three "trash" items need to be bagged if they can fit into garbage receptacle or hauled to the dump if necessary. Now the garage is neat and clean!

4. Completely detail autos:

Have a contest with person if you are detailing two autos! Guard yourself from the sun. Tools needed are a vacuum with attachments, trash bag, towels, paper towels, 2 microfiber cloths and a large terry cloth, two old large beach towels, a long handled car wash broom if you have one, and a stiff brush for the wheels & tires and pail & sponge. I also fix a small caddy with window cleaner, Mr. Clean, some Q-Tips, Armor-all, Febreze, car wash, wax with an applicator or soft cloth and tire "black" spray. Start on the inside and fill up your trash bag with any garbage in the auto. Look under seats and in the cracks of the seats. Pick up items that will hurt your vacuum. Take out all the carpets and lay them down to vacuum. Then fill a pail with about a gallon of water and an ounce of Mr. Clean. Use this water first to scrub the seats with a very damp cloth, it may remove some stains and it smells good. Then wash the dash, wheel, seat dividers and inside the doors. Constantly clean your cloth in the bucket. Dip Q-tips in the water and use to get the dash cracks, corners and areas the cloth couldn't get into. Spray Armor-All on a microfiber cloth and wipe down the dash and hard level surfaces made from similar material to shine up and make like new. When accomplished put that cloth away from the others so you will not use it again. Time for the inside windows! I use a window cleaner and paper towels to wash all the inside windows, then I go back over them with a microfiber cloth and it certainly polishes good. The last thing I do is vacuum the carpet. Be sure to adjust the seats transmit and backward to get all areas. Last I give the fabric and floor covering a spray of Febreze, thought about avoiding my windows. Vacuum the carpets that you took out. If you want to Design the trunk and vacuum, this is a good time. Now get the windows up and shut the doors. Empty your pail and refill with abundance of water and a miniature carwash. Hose down the entire auto and wash by sections. Immediately rinse off each section as you go around the auto. When you think you are done walk around the auto for any touch-ups. Now use your stiff brush and scrub the wheels and tires a few times, then rinse. Hose off the carpets you removed and let air dry. Use a beach towel to dry off all areas of the auto. After drying and no water spots it is time to wax. My beloved auto wax is the new spray on wipe off type, but if you are using the paste wax it is done the same way. Put wax on a section at a time, and then remove it with the second beach towel. Let the paste wax dry before buffing off. Again check all around the auto for any areas that need touched up. After waxing I wash the windows with paper towels and then polish with the microfiber cloth. Your wheels and tires should be dry by now so you can spray your "black" spray on them. Now that is a sparkling beauty!

5. Get planting beds & flower packaging ready:

You can start seedlings indoors or wait for the nursery centers to stock your beloved plants. Guard yourself from the sun. Tools you may want for the large planting beds are a tiller (if large area) rake, shovel, organery claw, scenery fabric or plastic, gloves, trash bag potting soil (my beloved is Miracle Grow with the water retention material). First pull all weeds and place in trash bag. Rake the covering of leaves, old mulch and debris, put in trash bag or compost bin. Use shovel or organery claw to turn the soil (till if large area) and mix in your potting soil. After the area is complete, cover with the scenery fabric or plastic. When you are ready to plant, cut holes in the scenery fabric or plastic and place plant where you want. To finalize your flower gardens, cover the fabric or plastic with mulch or rocks. For the flower containers, if they have previously been used they must be washed and let air dry. When the weather is warm enough you can plant. Place some large stones or broken earthenware pieces in the bottom for drainage. Fill pots ¾ of the way full. Decree where to place your plants and surround them with potting soil and firmly press down. Give a good drink of water. Check on weekly to remove dead material and water if needed.

6. Start seedlings indoors:

Pick a few seeds you want to start, veggies, herbs, flowers (Burpee is my beloved brand). You can use a sun lamp, although I never have. Just don't start too early or they will grow too large before you can transplant. The easiest way is to get the jiffy pots ready for water and seeds. You can also use a rectangle receptacle like a cake pan and fill with potting soil and sprinkle on the seeds and water. Pour off excess water. Save your seed envelopes to mark your plants or you won't remember what you are growing and where. When the weather is warm enough and all chances of frozen are over they can be transplanted either in a prepared bed or container.

7. Write down new things to do in the summer and fall:

I like to write down things I haven't done in a while, new things or things to do with particular friends and family; go to museum with mother; watch movie with Linda. Learn how to rollerblade, take a painting class, run a marathon, go boating and so forth. I have things to do indoors for rain and outdoors for sunshine. Keep your list next to your calendar and when you want something to do check one off. Make arrangements a week or so ahead so you will have a full social calendar.

8. Begin a customized fitness plan:

First agenda a check up with your house physician and make sure you are okay to become more active. Define what you want to accomplish and a date to accomplish this by. If you have more than one goal, do this for every goal. Example: I want to lose 30 pounds by August. Next step is to plan out how you will accomplish this. Example: I will clean out my kitchen and replace with salutary low calorie foods. I will walk one mile every day. I will lift weights thirty minutes every other day and so on. Keep inescapable affirmations and motivational post-its on your bathroom mirror and refrigerator.

9. Get a new hair cut, hair style or color:

Be browsing the magazine for cuts and color you like to get an idea or two. Visit your beloved hair salon or one that a friend refers. Ask the stylist to propose a cut and or color for your complexion, lifestyle and budget. Ask questions about maintenance before you decide. Your cut must be quick and easy to sound if you lifestyle is very busy. If you are young you can certainly go more dramatic and bold. If you are more mature or have a vocation you may want to stick with some classic styles and color, but dissimilar than you commonly get. This is a great ego boost and when you are inescapable and happy, it will rub off on everyone around you.

10. Take a long walk, hike or bike ride in a scenic area:

This is a great house outing, or couples and friends outing. Bring your dog if you can. If you have a beloved park or recreation area, plan a day and a picnic for this event. This could ba a great way to scout out a camping area. Take the basics, sandwiches, fruit and water. Dress for the opportunity and don't forget sun protection. Bring a rain jacket or wind breaker in case the weather suddenly changes. Let person know where you are going and bring a cell phone. Bring a Frisbee or football to mix things up. Just enjoy the time to spend with good business and appreciate the beautiful earth.

With a "clean" slate completed there is still ample time to soak up all the crisp air and sunshine. I feel I have accomplished something great and it makes me feel dreadful about the next great season!

Look for more articles arrival soon!

Top Ten Things to Do in Spring

refrigerator freezer french door refrigerator stainless steel samsung counter depth french door refrigerator

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Pilot Light Won't Stay Lit - What Now?

I went to a Heating and Air Conditioning customer's home the other day. They had called me to tell me that their heater was not coming on. It is December and getting colder in northern California. I am a compassionate guy so I headed over there after I complete with my regular job.

I arrived at the home and went to where the heater is placed in a closet in the home. (yours maybe in the attic, basement, or garage) I removed the door and found a 30 year old Heating unit. This unit has a standing pilot light, a flame that burns continuously, and it was not lit. After trying to light the pilot light unsuccessfully I thought about that pilot light would not stay lit.

3 Door Refrigerator

The older Heating furnaces with standing pilot lights have a thermocouple, that is designed to sense the pilot light flame. That is how the pilot stays lit when you remove your hand from the dial, while trying to relight the pilot. If the thermocouple fails the pilot will not stay lit and the burners will not light so the furnace will not heat the house. You can visually check the thermocouple as well as the pilot flame. Look at the pilot flame while keeping the knob in the start position.

1. Is the pilot flame floating (if it is have a Heating serviceperson check the gas valve)

2. Is the copper lead bent or kinked

3. Is the thermocouple insulation damaged

4. Is the thermocouple tip dirty

You can clean the tip by lightly sanding it. Also make sure it has not slid down out of the flame. If you feel the flame is aimed properly and the thermocouple is clean and there are no visible signs of damage then damage is on the inside, remove it. You can take it to an appliance parts and assistance dealer where they will sell you the literal, part or you can call a heating assistance man to come replace it for you.

My Pilot Light Won't Stay Lit - What Now?

4 door refrigerator samsung summit refrigerator

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Discount Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Kitchen Best price

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Kitchen Feature

  • Laugh and Learn Learning Kitchen is filled with learning and fun for baby in both English and Spanish
  • There are 4 modes of play: Learning, Learning in Spanish, Music and Imagination
  • Open the refrigerator door to see the light come on, learn about opposites, or hear a sung song
  • Inside the fridge, there's yummy food and shape sorting fun
  • To see more information click the "Watch it in Action" link below the main product images

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Kitchen Overview By Customers .....

The Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Kitchen is an interactive and educational toy that will capture your child's attention and have him learning in the process. This durable toy kitchen and fridge design features four modes of interaction: Learning, Learning in Spanish, Music, and Imagination. The sounds and songs that play as your child interacts with the moveable features and the fun, food-shaped blocks will have children aged 6 months to 3 years rapt with curiosity.

callout box top
Learning Kitchen

Ages: 6 to 36 months
Requires: Three AA batteries (included)

What We Think

Fun factor:5 starts
Durability:4 starts
Ease of assembly:5 starts
Educational factor:5 starts
Novelty factor:4 starts

The Good: An interactive and educational toy for curious toddlers and older infants

The Challenging: Case-like design may shut easily during play

In a Nutshell: Instructive, fun, and versatile

callout box bottom
Learning Kitchen

The Laugh & Learn Kitchen will keep your child captivated with sounds, switches, and music. View larger.
Learning Kitchen

The kitchen comes with plastic pots, pans, toy food, and other accessories. View larger.

A Fun, Interactive Kitchen
This interactive toy kitchen needs minimal set up once you unpack it from the box. The only piece you'll need to assemble for your child is the green garbage can, which snaps into place and stays put with the two accompanying Phillips-head screws. Three AA batteries are included with purchase.

The toy has a case-like design that incorporates features on the outside and inside. One side of the exterior features a refrigerator door with a handle and slots for inserting food shapes like a carton of milk, a bunch of carrots, and a jar of apple sauce. These plastic toys slide into a storage compartment that your child can access inside the refrigerator. Around the corner, an interactive kitchen boasts plenty of buttons that emit familiar cartoon sound effects.

Your child will be fascinated by the sounds of sizzling on the stove or running water from the faucet. An oversized switch clicks on a kitchen light, and a track ball on the toy clock makes a tick-tock noise when moved. Opening the fridge reveals the storage compartment, which holds the plastic food and utensils, and an interactive book that makes fruits and vegetables fun and appealing.

Cook Up Learning and Play
The Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Learning Kitchen provides a way for your child to learn through interactive play. He can begin to build a vocabulary of words and greetings in English and Spanish, and learn to recognize shapes, sizes, colors, numbers, and letters. The toy also emphasizes manners, healthy eating, hygiene, and opposites such as on or off.

This toy promotes problem-solving skills and allows you to be part of the process. As your child presses buttons, opens the fridge, and flips switches, you can help him make connections that will facilitate learning and reinforce knowledge. With more than 20 catchy songs and musical activities, this toy packs plenty of entertaining features that your child will love.

The case-like design of this toy kitchen opens and shuts easily, but rest assured, the smooth plastic is safe and won't be much of a surprise if it closes during play. The plastic hinge won't catch on your child's skin or little fingers. You'll wish your kitchen was this easy to tidy and clean.

Volume Control
This toy has two sound settings for those moments when you need to take it down a notch. You can also opt to turn off the interactive modes for silent play.

What's in the Box
Plastic toy kitchen with three AA batteries, garbage can with two screws, three food shapes, two plastic utensils, and an instructional booklet.


flatbed photo scanners bottom freezer fridge sheetfed scanners

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saniflo Macerator Repairs and Problems

The three (3) biggest problems you are likely to face when you have problems with your Saniflo or any macerator that is not working, is:

The smells coming from the broken macerator and/or minor flooding. seeing a engineer that can faultless the work quickly and will have parts with them. The Cost, some times the fix bill can be more than the price of a new macerator.

3 Door Refrigerator

So exactly what can you do, here are few tips:

For the smell all you can genuinely do is open the loo room window and close the loo room door to keep the smell contained in one room and some fresh smelling spray could help, this is only for a broken macerator, if your unit is working Ok and the smell is the main or only problem then there are other options ready to you, like internal cleaning, new carbon filters and leading a breather pipe to the outside of your property. There genuinely is very slight point in calling a engineer that does not have all the major parts for your macerator on board as stock. Many people who have problems with their macerator just call a local or friend or plumber, but they naturally will not have the parts or fully understand how the macerator works and will often just condemn a perfectly fixable macerator, by far your best option is to call some one that genuinely understands the macerator and will have spare parts with them and preferably some one that will offer a uncostly fixed price fix service. The cost of repairing a macerator is normally nearby £100 - £150 + parts, and parts are not expensive if you do need them. But many people will end up paying a lot more than £150 and most of that payment will be for the removal and re-installation of the macerator, the cost of the macerator fix can always and I genuinely mean always be kept to a minimum with a bit of notice at facility and planning as to how will the macerator be taken out for maintenance. If you think your facility may pose a few problems with removal and/or re-installation, and remember this is dissimilar from the actual fix even though in most cases you would be charged one continues charge, the fix of some macerators in some installations can not start until removal is complete, then ask, "if there is a removal charge, what is it? " you can expect this to be hourly as the engineer in most cases could not know how long it will take, but normally even in the most extreme cases less than 1 day and in some cases you will not be charged for simple extractions where there as been good future planning for maintenance as removal will be quick and easy or not needed

Often when a macerator is installed there is very slight notice as to how repairs will be carried out, this can be a very expensive mistake, there is one sure fact you can be assured of, and that is that all electrical or mechanical items will stop working one day and your macerator is no different.

We all want our bath room/loo seeing as nice as possible, but just like you would not enduringly tile in and fix in your washing engine so that it could not be taken out for repairs with out taking out the kitchen tiles and kitchen cupboards, it is nearly always a very expensive mistake to install your macerator in this way, this can be genuinely avoided with simple planning and by remembering the rule below when planning.

The rule is "last in will be first out and the first in will be last out", this simple rule along with saniflo's published 10 golden rules can save you hundreds if not thousands of pounds in fix bills, what it means is that when installing your macerator and bath room/loo the last thing to be installed will nearly always be the first and easiest thing to take out and the first thing to be installed will nearly always be the last and hardest thing to take out, for this narrative were talking in general about tiled rooms.

Example 1: if you do your planning, put your macerator in place first, connect the pipes up, push up the loo against the macerator, faultless the tiling up to and nearby the loo and macerator, when you need repairs, and one day you will, you may need to lift some tiles to be able to take off the loo so that the macerator can be taken out and repaired.

Example 2: if you plan for maintenance, then you would faultless the floor tiling first and put both the loo and macerator on top of tiles making sure there is adequate room to genuinely take off the macerator with out the need to take off the loo or any tiles, any boxing in would be held in place with short screws and sealant making it easy to take off for future fix work

As you can see in example 2 the first thing to be fitted would be the tiles and the last thing to be installed by the plumber would be the macerator and loo, so when maintenance is needed, it is quick and easy to get passage to the macerator with out the need to take off the loo or tiles, every facility is unique and different, so its up to you to ensure the planning for future maintenance for your exact installation, but remember the rule

Simple as this may sound, many people do not realise that their macerator as been installed as in example 1 until it develops a fault and and the repairs start, but also many people do not have tiles down and have easy passage to the macerator, in both cases seeing a macerator engineer with fixed prices that carry adequate stock parts is a good idea, as a engineer without parts is more likely to just condemn the unit for their own benefit, I have also comprise a link below to a touch that will offer you the fixed price macerator repairs service

Saniflo Macerator Repairs and Problems

glass refrigerator doors

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Free Cheesecake factory cafeteria Recipes

Imagine it is Friday night. You've had a long week. You don't feel like spending a lot of money eating out, but you still want to eat good food tonight. What are you going to do? Recently I discovered restaurant recipes. I realized that I could save a ton of money by development restaurant recipes at home.

One of my favorite restaurants is the Cheesecake Factory. Cheesecake factory restaurant recipes are delicious! I have been scouring the internet recently for the best Cheesecake factory restaurant recipes. After doing some broad research, here are some breathtaking Cheesecake factory restaurant recipes.

3 Door Refrigerator

Cheesecake factory Oreo Cheesecake
1 1/2 pound cream cheese
1 cup sugar
5 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup flour
8 ounces sour cream
5 Oreo cookies (coarsely chopped for the batter)
10 coarsely chopped Oreo cookies for the topping

1 1/2 cup Oreo cookie crumbs (about 25 Oreo cookies finely chopped)
2 tablespoon melted butter
93 spring form pan (buttered on lowest and sides)

1. Mix melted butter with Oreo crumbs and press in the lowest of the spring pan and 1 1/23 up the sides, set aside.
2.All Ingredients must be at room temperature before beginning. Beat cream cheese with a mixer on low until fluffy.
3. Gently add sugar and continue beating cream cheese until mixed well.
4. Add eggs one at a time and continue to beat until blended.
5. Part the vanilla, salt and flour, pour into cream cheese and egg composition and beat until smooth. Add the sour cream and beat.
6. Stir in the coarsely chopped oreo cookies with a spoon.
7. Pour cream cheese into the spring pan and place the nine coarsely chopped Oreo Cookies on to of the cream mixture.
8. Place pan on the top rack and in the middle of a preheated oven at 325 degrees F and bake for one hour and 15 minutes.
9. After that time, keep oven door open and let the cheese cake stay in the oven for one hour. Take off from oven and let cool sufficient to place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Cheesecake factory Pasta Da Vinci
1(1lb)box penne pasta
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 large boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced
1 large red onion, finely chopped
1(4ounce)can sliced mushrooms, drainedor
1/2 cup rehydratedshiitake mushrooms
2 tablespoons mincedgarlic
1 cup madeira wine
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sour cream
1-2 tablespoon butter

1. Cook pasta agreeing to container directions. Place cooked and drained pasta in isolate bowl.
2. Heat oil in skillet and saute chicken, onion, mushrooms, and garlic.Remove from skillet;set aside. Add wine to same skillet and simmer over medium heat until liquid is reduced by two-thirds. Add heavy cream and sour cream and heat through.
3. Take off from heat and swirl in butter. Toss with pasta.

Cheesecake factory Vanilla Bean Cheesecake
1 envelope plus 1 1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup cold water
1 1/2 cups milk
6 egg yolks
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped

1. Soften the gelatin in cold water and set aside for later use.
2. Beat the egg yolks in the top of a double boiler until light and lemon colored. Gently beat in the sugar. Add the salt.
3. Scald the milk and Gently stir it into the egg mixture. Cook over hot, not boiling, water until thickened, stirring constantly.
4. Blend in the softened gelatin and vanilla. Chill until the composition begins to thicken, stirring occasionally to preclude a crust from forming on the surface.
5. Fold in the whipped cream and spread cream composition onto cheesecake.
Chill until firm.
6. Ornamentation with lightly sweetened whipped cream.

Cheesecake factory Avocado Egg Rolls
2-4 servings
30 mins prep time
Egg Rolls
1 large avocado, peeled, pitted, & diced
2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
1 tablespoon finely chopped red onions
1/2 teaspoon fresh cilantro, chopped
1 dash salt
4 egg roll wraps (can also use won ton wraps)
1 egg, beaten
Oil for deep-frying
Dipping Sauce
1/4 cup olive oil
4 teaspoons white vinegar
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 teaspoon tamarind pulp
1/2 cup honey (I use slightly less)
1 pinch turmeric
1/2 cup chopped cashews
2/3 cup fresh cilantro
2 garlic cloves
2 green onions
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin

Dipping Sauce
1. Join vinegars, honey, tamarind, and saffron in a microwave safe bowl. Stir until tamarind is dissolved completely.
2. Microwave for 1 minute.
3. Using a blender, Puree tamarind mixture, cashews, cilantro, garlic, onions, sugar, pepper, and cumin.
4. Pour composition into a bowl and stir in oil.
5. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Egg Rolls
1. Stir together avocado, tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and salt.
2. Distribute filling evenly on the town of each egg roll wrapper.
3. Fold one angle up, 1/4 of the way over the filling.
4. Brush the remaining corners and edges with beaten egg, roll up the left and right side, then fold top angle over all and press to seal.
5. Repeat with the remaining wrappers.
6. Deep-fry the egg rolls in 375 degree oil for 3-4 minutes, or until browned.
7. Drain on paper towels.
8. Slice egg rolls diagonally in half and serve with the ready dipping sauce.

Free Cheesecake factory cafeteria Recipes

single door refrigerator

Monday, January 2, 2012

nautical Refrigeration

How does marine refrigeration work? The major parts of a Dc refrigeration system comprise the refrigerant, a compressor, and a condenser, a cooling system for condenser, and a plate or plates inside the refrigeration box. 

The compressor is part of a complete loop pumping refrigerant straight through the system and straight through the evaporator plate in the ice box. The compressor has two sides the High side or extraction side. The extraction side pumps refrigerant under pressure to the condenser. The suction side or low side and sucks refrigerant after it passes thru the evaporator plate back to the compressor. The cold plates in the fridge space have whether expansion valves or capillary tube that cut off the low and high pressure sides of the refrigeration system.

3 Door Refrigerator

The refrigerant in the compressor starts as a gas. The compressor compresses the refrigerant gas, from low pressure to high pressure between 100-150 psi. When the pressure is increased like this its temperature is raised dramatically. This hot high pressure refrigerant is then fed to a condenser, where it is cooled and turned into a liquid. The condenser is cooled by whether air or water. The refrigerant is now a cool high pressure liquid and is fed to an evaporator plate inside the boats refrigerator box.

The evaporator plate takes the refrigerant from the condenser and here it boils rapidly & evaporates back to a gas, at a very low temperature. This turn of state absorbs vast amounts of sensible heat from the evaporator which in turn removes heat from the insulated refrigeration box, thereby lowering its temperature. The Btu is the measurement of heat removed. From the evaporator plate the refrigerant is returned to the low side of the compressor, to start the process again.

Evaporator or retention Plates

Marine refrigeration systems use whether an evaporator plate or a retention plate in the boats refrigeration space or freezer space. Each type of plate works differently in drawing heat from the boats refrigerator and ice box space.

Marine Evaporator

Marine Evaporators are just like the ones found in household refrigerators. They can get quite cold (thermostat setting) and many evaporators have the potential to make ice next to the evaporator plate or inside the evaporator box. Evaporators come in some shapes and sizes; they can be horizontal plate's vertical plates and rolled plates. Evaporators are constant cycling, or short cycle. Most use a Danfoss marine compressor with H134 refrigerant.

Thermostat controlled evaporator temperature. Turn to lower ice box temperature. Evaporator plates are less expensive, but need Constant power supply.

Marine retention plates

Marine Refrigerator retention Plates act like large blocks of ice and the cold temperature of the retention plate sucks heat out of the boats refrigeration box. retention plates can keep ice boxes cold for long periods.

The main advantage of a retention plate over an evaporator is that they only need to be recharged 1 or 2 times per day. This charging can coincide with attaching to shore power, running the machine and so the refrigerator does not rely on the battery bank. When incorporated into a properly designed system, holdover plates can significantly cut average vigor consumption. However Dc retention plates are also possible.  The retention plate is filled with a solution that has a frosty point below 23 degrees F.  As the compressor runs, the refrigerant passes straight through the retention Plates coil, frosty the retention plate solution. The compressor turns of and as the retention plate thaws out, heat is removed from the box.

Powering the Compressor

The power furnish to the compressor is one of the key elements of the boats refrigeration system. Refrigeration is one of the largest vigor consumers onboard, so the power furnish is an leading element of the system. Power supplies to marine refrigeration systems comprise Ac, Dc, Shore Power, machine power, and hybrid systems. Hybrids are combinations of say 12 volt and machine drive, or machine and shore power. The whole point in finding at power furnish to your boats refrigerator is to merge it into onboard power requirements for all your boats marine systems. If you run a generator much of the time then adding on an Ac refrigeration unit may make sense, but unless you do, you would be best at finding at 12 V, machine or shore power.

Power can be decided on how you use your boat. Are you tied up at a dock for much of the time and take days trips. Or do you cruise and spend large amounts of time at anchor. Finally are you Powerboating or navigation will also sway power supply. navigation means no charging of batteries or power from the engine. Here a solar panel or wind or towed generator can help replenish batteries. If you spend time at the dock, a Dc system has plenty of time to recharge on shore power. If you spend time motoring and at the dock and machine drive with shore sustain works well.

Ac 110 volt marine refrigeration     

These drop in refrigerators are like the one in your home and are ordinarily seen on larges boats with an plenty of Ac power and space. The Ac powers the marine compressor, and the condenser is typically air cooled. A trustworthy Ac furnish is needed in the form of a generator.

Dc marine refrigeration with Evaporator plate

 One of the cheapest marine refrigeration system and easiest to install is the 12 v or Dc system. Air cooling is the simplest. The Dc system combined with an evaporator plate that is thermostatically controlled gives flexibility over cooling requirements. Many 12 volt systems use the Danfoss compressor. With the increased efficiency of the Danfoss compressor, Dc refrigeration onboard is getting more efficient, but is still power hungry.

For most boats with a small box, a singular 12V compressor, air cooled condenser, with evaporator type plate will be about the cheapest option. The Adler Barbour Cold machine has been around for around 25 years and provides great refrigeration for small to medium size ice boxes. 

Shore powered marine refrigeration

Shore powered systems are made to speak the boat's ice box at set temperature when the boat is at the dock. They offer less power than direct from an machine drive but since you will be at the dock for a while that is not an issue.

If you use a retention plate and shore powered system you can keep the plate cool while away from the dock for 12 hours or so.

 Engine powered marine refrigeration

The idea behind an machine driven compressor system is that the machine gets used anyway for at lest an hour or so. If you are Powerboating this makes sense, if you are navigation guess how much time you use the engine.

If this is the case an machine drive with a retention plate can draw down the ice box in a short duration and after that it can be left for 12 plus hours.

The compressor is run directly off the engine. Belt driven or direct compressor, There are two plates and you can add more, plus ad a cut off freezer unit. This creates much power and fast cooling of the retention plate. More power than a 110 volt system. Larger systems and multiple plates are possible. machine driven systems cost more and also involve a labor higher cost    

Condenser Cooling

The marine refrigeration systems condenser needs cooling. This is how the refrigerant gets cooled and turned into a liquid. There are 3 ways to cool the condenser;

Air Cooled

Air cooling simplifies premise plus it does not rely on water or adding thru hulls. It is therefore the cheapest installation. For smaller units air cooling is Ok, say 4 cu ft or under 6 cu ft you will get enough performance. The air cooling unit needs a enough furnish of re-circulated air for it to work. Ducting and space around the unit will help this.

When you cool by air flow you remove heat from the condenser and ad it to the ambient temperature. The temperature inside of the cabin only has enough capacity to disperse this heat.

Water cooled Condenser

Water cooled compressors will work best in higher ambient temperatures and are more productive and can be 30% more efficient. Water cooling may be best and is best for larger installs especially if freezer is concerned. Water cooling needs a thru hull and a pump to get the water to the condenser. The most productive way to cool the condenser

Keel cooler Condenser

The keel cooler or keel condenser requires no thru hull fitting and will not be subject to clogging. The keel cooler is a 3" x 7" bronze plate that mounts on the surface of the hull and it is the condenser heat exchanger. The bronze plates are related direct to the compressor which is the only entertaining part in the system. The Keel Cooler is for a box up to a 15 cu ft refrigerator or 5 cu ft freezer. Since all the heat is passed into the water surface the boat it will does not heat up the interior. Since it works without a water pump there is never a pump or strainer to speak and best of all it is nearly silent in operation.

Refrigeration Compressor & plate Combination

Before we pick a size of marine refrigerator we need to understand what factors are involved in retention the refrigeration box cool. They are mainly box size, insulation and cooling water temperature, amount of citizen aboard and the temperature you are setting the plates for.

Refrigerator Box Volume

This is obvious, the larger the box the more heat extraction is necessary. A larger box will need more Btus of heat removal. After this basic size issue we have things like, Front opening or top opening. Front opening lets cold air out quickly but does allow you to get to the lowest of the box. Drains, if you had a drain for you ice box plug it. You will not need to drain water out of the ice box and this will only let cold air out and heat in. Gaskets, these are a must and must be properly sealed. A trick to identify if there are gaps in the gasket is to put a piece of paper in between the lid or door and the cabinet and close it. Pull on the paper and you should feel some drag if the gaskets are sealing properly. It comes out unquestionably there is a gap. Get new or best gasket material.


Typical insulation to a fridge or freezer is foam insulation like Dow Blue board. The hint is for 3-4 inches for refrigeration and 4-6 inches for freezer for medium sized boxes. Foam has an R value of 5 per inch thickness, R being a thermal unit. This means in terms of thermal units 3-4 inches represents 15-20R value for the refrigeration unit, and 20-30 for the freezer.

There are manufacturers of vacuum panel thermal insulation. The Glacier bay fence Ultra-R super-insulation at R-50 per inch provides lots of insulation without taking up valuable volume. These panels are vacuum panels and are sealed to work. It is very leading that you do not drill straight through or puncture these panels. These panels are practice made, so you would need to furnish the manufacturer, exact sizes with locations for copper plate tubes to enter the box. These are built into the panels.

Water temperature

In the tropics water temperature is a lot warmer then northern climates. For every degree water temperature increases a corresponding 2 % growth in required Btu. If you are in the Atlantic portions of the east coast Us, you have some cool sea water temps, but of you then cruise down to the Caribbean you may strain your refrigeration system.

Plate Thermostat

The evaporator plate temperature is set by the thermostat. Dial the box temperature down and the system will have to work harder.

Number of citizen aboard

More citizen means the box gets opened more and the heat build up from more citizen adds to the ambient temperature.

How big a Refrigeration system is required?

To guess how big a refrigeration or marine frosty unit required, you will need to start with an estimate of the Btu requirements of the box. A straightforward rule of thumb for estimating the Btus is based on the box volume.

These Btu estimations are based on these assumptions;

- Insulation has an R value of 30 no leaks.
- Water temperatures are tropical in the mid 80s F.
- 2 citizen aboard, for each extra person add an supplementary 1,000 daily Btu
- Top opening box, for a front opening door add 15 Btu/inch of door

Btu estimate on refrigeration volume;

Refrigerator daily heat load; 600 Btu per cu. Ft.

Freezer daily heat load; 1200 Btu per cu. Ft

Lets look at how this works for the 4 cu ft refrigeration system, using the above formula

4 cu. Ft. Times 600  =   2,400 Btu.

Two supplementary citizen on board =   2,000 Btu.

Total required per day   = 4,400 Btu

Choosing 12 volt unit with Evaporator

Match this amount to the compressor capabilities, and then guess amps needed to power the system, and then work on the battery bank capability. Start by using the 4,400 Btu form the above example. The Adler Barbour Cold machine uses the Danfoss Bd50 Compressor is rated at 650Btu / hr based on 25F evaporator temp.

This is well above the 4,400/day we need for the 4 cu ft fridge, using only about 1/3 of the power. We could unquestionably go down the Danfoss Db35.


To guess how many amps the system will draw we start by converting Btus to amps with this formula, using an assumption of 5 Btus per watt hr of vigor used. Btu/5/volts. So say we have 4400 Btus and 12 volts, 4,400/5/12=74 amp hours/day.

Battery Bank

The Amps needed to power the compressor should be 1/4 of the capacity of the house bank. So for the above 74 amp hours needed multiply by 4 to get recommended house battery capacity = 296 amp hrs


These days being on the water means retention food and drinks cold. 12 volt refrigeration units are becoming more beloved with technological advances. Greater compressor efficiency and evaporator technology brings 12 volt cooling to the smallest of boats.

nautical Refrigeration

french door refrigerator ice maker refrigerator glass door four door refrigerator reviews